July 2023

Abstract Art: How to Understand and Enjoy it

Embracing the Mystique of Abstract Art

Abstract Art

Have you ever stood before an abstract painting, feeling perplexed and wondering what it means? You’re not alone. Abstract art has long been a source of fascination and, at times, confusion for many. Yet, exploring the world of abstract art can be a rewarding journey of self-discovery and appreciation for artistic expression. In this blog post, we’ll unravel the mysteries of abstract art, offering insights on how to understand and genuinely enjoy this captivating form of creative expression.

The key to appreciating this art is to approach it with an open mind. Unlike traditional art forms that often depict recognizable objects or scenes, abstract art defies realism. Instead, it invites us to explore emotions, thoughts, and ideas through shapes, colors, and forms. Be willing to release preconceived notions and allow your imagination to roam freely within the artist’s creation.understanding abstract art

It is an emotional experience. Rather than seeking a definitive meaning, focus on how the artwork makes you feel. The interplay of colors, brushstrokes, and composition can evoke a wide range of emotions, and your response to the artwork is entirely valid, irrespective of what others may perceive. Take your time to observe the artwork carefully.

Move closer to notice the intricate details and step back to appreciate the overall composition. Abstract art often reveals hidden layers of complexity that emerge with patient observation. Allow yourself to reflect on the sensations and thoughts evoked by the piece.

Understanding the visual elements employed in abstract art can deepen your appreciation. Colors, lines, shapes, textures, and patterns all contribute to the artwork’s impact. Bold, vibrant colors may convey energy and passion, while soft, muted tones may evoke tranquility and introspection. Research the artist behind the abstract piece to gain insights into their intentions and creative process. Artists often leave clues through titles, statements, or interviews, giving you a glimpse into their inspiration and the message they aimed to convey.

abstract art in galleriesEngaging with others can expand your understanding of abstract art. Attend gallery exhibitions, art classes, or join online art communities to discuss and share perspectives. Hearing diverse interpretations can enrich your own experience and introduce you to new ways of looking at art. Unlike representational art, abstract pieces allow for multiple interpretations. There’s no right or wrong way to understand this art. Embrace this freedom and let your imagination lead the way. You may discover personal connections and meanings that resonate uniquely with you.

When confronted with abstract art, trust your intuition. Your initial reaction is often the most authentic. Let go of doubts or self-criticism; simply embrace what you feel in the moment. It often mirrors the complexities of life, inviting us to see the world through a different lens. Relate the artwork to your own experiences, emotions, and thoughts. See it as an opportunity for introspection and personal growth.

Abstract art encompasses various styles, from Cubism and Surrealism to Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism. Expose yourself to different styles and artists to widen your artistic horizons and develop a deeper appreciation for the diversity within this genre of art.types of abstract art

Don’t be afraid to dabble in creating this art yourself. Embrace the joy of experimentation and let your creativity flow. You might find a newfound respect for the challenges and ingenuity involved in producing abstract pieces. Abstract art celebrates ambiguity and encourages us to embrace the unknown. It challenges us to explore beyond the obvious and venture into the realm of imagination.

Enroll in workshops or attend art lectures that focus on abstract art. Learning from professionals can deepen your knowledge and spark new enthusiasm for this captivating art form. If you find yourself struggling to connect with this art form, consider seeking guidance from art experts or curators. They can offer valuable insights, historical context, and explanations that can enhance your understanding and enjoyment.

learning to paint abstract art

Understanding and enjoying abstract art involves an open heart, an open mind, and a willingness to explore the depths of creative expression. By embracing the ambiguity and connecting with our emotions, we can unlock the enigmatic beauty that lies within abstract art. Embrace the journey, and you’ll discover a world of profound meaning and inspiration.

This is the second in a series we are presenting here about the various types of art and how to appreciate them.  You can read the first in this series, The Enchantment of Impressionism” here. Be sure to check back next week for the next in this series of art styles.


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The Enchantment of Impressionism

In today’s blog post, I thought I would look into the enchantment of impressionism and see what I find. I have long enjoyed the paintings of the artists of this era and I find that their work, singly and collectively, are very relevant even today. This may be the first in a series about different artistic styles since there are many.  I enjoy learning about these styles and looking at paintings done in these styles. I hope you find it interesting too.

Monet painting
Monet painting

First, let’s talk about how Impressionism came into being and why. At its heart, impressionism emerged during the late 19th century, breaking free from rigid academic norms to explore boundless creative possibilities. Visionaries like Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Edgar Degas sought to capture fleeting moments and the transformative effects of light on canvas.

  • Impressionism is an art that prioritizes emotions and personal interpretations over formal constraints. It empowers you to express yourself freely, allowing your emotions to guide your artistic choices. You learn to be present, to observe the world around you with heightened awareness, and appreciate the beauty in the seemingly ordinary.
  • The play of light and color in impressionist works infuses them with life and energy. By mastering the manipulation of color and light, you can breathe vitality into your creations, enabling them to resonate deeply with the viewer.
  • Embrace the bold and spontaneous brushwork, a hallmark of impressionism. This technique encourages you to relinquish perfectionism, connecting you with the tactile nature of your medium and lending your art a raw and captivating texture.
  • Impressionism often revolves around landscapes and outdoor scenes, forging a profound connection with nature. Through your art, you can convey your love and reverence for the world around you, creating a symbiotic relationship between you, your work, and the environment.
  • Each impressionist masterpiece becomes a visual storyteller, offering unique narratives and inviting viewers to interpret and engage with the art on a personal level. As an artist, you acquire the ability to communicate your thoughts subtly, evoking profound emotions in your audience.
  • Impressionism’s daring spirit challenges artistic boundaries, encouraging you to venture beyond conventional norms and explore new frontiers in your creativity. It beckons you to dare, to think outside the box, and to forge a unique artistic path.

Moreover, studying impressionism allows you to sharpen your observational skills, honing your ability to notice subtleties and intricacies in your surroundings. It enriches yDegas paintingour artistic practice by emphasizing the experiential aspect of creating art.

On your artistic journey, remember that impressionism’s influence extends far beyond its historical context. It remains an eternal source of inspiration for contemporary artists across various mediums, connecting you to a rich artistic legacy. Embrace impressionism as a catalyst for personal growth. Let it liberate your imagination, fostering an environment where experimentation and exploration are encouraged. In doing so, you will develop a distinctive artistic voice that resonates with authenticity and passion.

Beyond its artistic merits, understanding impressionism immerses you in a profound historical context. It offers insights into the impact of this movement and its artists on the trajectory of art history. Ultimately, impressionism’s timeless beauty lies in its ability to transcend time and captivate audiences across generations. It’s a delicate dance between technique, emotion, and observation. It creates art that leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of those who experience.berthe-morisot-laundry

I hope this has been informative as well as inspirational.  I hope you look at Impressionist paintings and really see what the artist intended. There are so many wonderful Impressionist painters. I hope you look them up and check out all of their work.  It really is quite enjoyable.


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Discovering Artistic Inspiration in Everyday Life

Sometimes, as an artist, we hit that daunting wall, that dreaded artist’s block, where our ideas seem to evaporate into thin air, and the canvas, once a sanctuary of color and expression, appears to be nothing but a void. But don’t worry, we’ve all been there. The trick is to look beyond the block, to open our eyes and really see the beauty around us, to draw artistic inspiration from the ordinariness of our everyday lives. This issue is one we have talked briefly about before and you can read that post here.

1. Learn to Appreciate the Mundanesteam rising from your morning coffee

Every day, we are surrounded by a world that is vibrant, complex, and full of inspiration—if only we take the time to notice. It’s easy to overlook the mundane, the things we encounter on a daily basis. The steam rising from your morning coffee, the patterns of the cracked pavement underfoot, the way shadows play on the wall in the afternoon light. By slowing down and consciously observing these details, we can gain fresh insights and discover unnoticed beauty that could spark our artistic inspiration.

2. Seek Inspiration in Naturethe intricate patterns on a butterfly's wing

Mother Nature is the original artist and a rich source of inspiration. Whether it’s the changing colors of leaves, the intricate patterns on a butterfly’s wing, or the mesmerizing dance of waves on the shore, there are countless natural phenomena that can inspire new ideas. Take a walk, have a picnic, or just sit in a park. Embrace nature and allow its beauty to spark your creativity.

3. The Power of WordsThe Power of Words

Books, poetry, and lyrics can serve as powerful stimuli for the imagination. A compelling line from a novel or the lyrical expression in a song can evoke powerful images and emotions that can translate beautifully into art. So immerse yourself in the literary world, explore different genres, and let the words guide your imagination.

4. Engage in Observation Sketching


Observation Sketching

Sometimes, the mere act of sketching what’s in front of us can unlock new layers of perception and interpretation. Whether it’s a pile of books, a fruit bowl, or a bustling street scene, try to capture the essence of the moment. Even if the sketches aren’t masterpieces, they can serve as raw material for future paintings.

5. Utilize PhotographsUtilize Photographs

Today, everyone has a camera in their pocket. Use this tool to capture interesting sights or moments during your day. These photographs could serve as reference images for your paintings, or they could inspire a completely new idea. Remember, it’s not about capturing the perfect shot; it’s about capturing what moves you. Artistic inspiration is all around you, you just have to see it.

6. Connect with Others

Connect with Others

The people around us—family, friends, strangers—each have unique stories and perspectives. Engage in meaningful conversations, listen to their stories, and observe their emotions. These interactions could offer you fresh perspectives and ideas for your artwork.

7. Experiment and Play

Don’t shy away from stepping outside your comfort zone. Try a new medium, a different style, or a radical color scheme. The act of playing and experimenting can not only rejuvenate your creative process but can also lead to unexpected discoveries that could break your creative block.Experiment and Play

Remember, inspiration isn’t some elusive entity; it’s everywhere, in every moment, waiting to be discovered. The key is to stay curious, keep exploring, and let the world surprise you.

Here are some resources to read about this issue more:

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25 Tips to Create Art Without Breaking the Bank

When you first start out as an artist, it is hard because art equipment and supplies are very expensive.  That said, you cannot let that fact stop you from following your heart and making art. Over the centuries, artists have created their own supplies, made their own paints, painted on things not meant for painting art, etc.  You do not have to have the BEST art supplies to create.  All you need is the desire and the time to do it.painting supplies

Today’s post is a list of things for you to consider if you want to create and have no money for supplies.  Don’t let that stop you.  The urge to create is fragile and needs to be expressed to grow. Let’s learn how to create art on a Budget:

1. Embrace the Basics:
Start with the essentials, such as paper, pencils, and erasers. These foundational supplies are inexpensive and can be found in most households or purchased at affordable prices. Using art supplies from a dollar store will still make art.

2. Explore Everyday Materials:

Look around your home for materials you can repurpose for your artwork. Items like cardboard, newspapers, magazines, or fabric scraps can serve as unique canvases or add interesting textures to your art. We have a post here about making art using cardboard, Cardboard can be Used to Make Art

3. Delve into DIY Art Supplies:

Take advantage of online tutorials and craft websites to learn how to create your own art supplies. From homemade paintbrushes to natural dyes, the possibilities are endless. There are an infinite variety of videos on YouTube to show you ways to make your own art supplies, so check them out.

4. Visit Thrift Stores and Garage Sales:
Thrift stores and garage sales can be treasure troves for artists on a budget. Keep an eye out for old frames, canvases, brushes, and other art supplies that are being sold at a fraction of their original price. Frequent your local thrift stores to find unusual items to draw, or to find items to repurpose into art.

5. Swap with Fellow Artists:
Connect with other artists in your community and organize art supply swaps. This way, you can trade materials you no longer need for ones that will inspire your creativity. There are many art communities online.  Try checking Facebook groups for art communities.  You will find many wonderful people on these groups who will support and enjoy your work; they also will be willing to share their tips and experiences with various materials with you.

6. Seek Free Art Supplies:
Check out websites, social media groups, or local community centers that offer free art supplies. Some organizations or individuals donate unused materials, enabling artists to access them without spending any money. Did you know that there actually are stores that collect used art supplies and then resell them at a very reduced price.  Search online for one of them and see what they are offering.

7. Explore Nature’s Palette:
Nature offers an abundant source of inspiration and art supplies. Collect leaves, flowers, or twigs to incorporate into your artwork or use as natural pigments. There is an artist that paints with leaves and makes the most beautiful art.  Let that be your inspiration as you search ways to express your creativity.

8. Opt for Digital Art:
If you have access to a computer or tablet, digital art can be a cost-effective alternative. Numerous free or affordable digital art software and apps are available, allowing you to create stunning digital masterpieces without needing physical supplies.

9. Experiment with Recycled Materials:
Transform discarded materials like bottle caps, plastic containers, or old magazines into art materials. Not only will you reduce waste, but you’ll also save money. Once again, check online and see the most beautiful art made by recycling trash.  I am always amazed and awed at what someone has done with items found in the recycling bin.

10. Unleash Your Imagination:
Art is not limited to traditional materials. Embrace unconventional mediums like coffee, tea, spices, or food coloring to add a unique touch to your creations.  Tea and coffee dying have been a staple with journal users for quite some time.  Try it out and see what you think.

11. Utilize Household Items:
Look beyond the conventional art supplies and explore everyday objects in your home. Items like sponges, toothbrushes, cotton swabs, or even kitchen utensils can be repurposed to create intriguing textures and effects.

12. Harness the Power of Sketchbooks:
Invest in an affordable sketchbook as a versatile tool for exploring ideas, practicing techniques, and capturing inspiration. Sketchbooks are often more affordable than specialized art papers and can be a great starting point.

13. Take Advantage of Online Resources:
Tap into the wealth of online tutorials, blogs, and video platforms where artists share tips and techniques for creating art on a budget. Learn from others’ experiences and discover new ways to make the most of your resources.

14. Embrace Minimalism:
Sometimes, less is more. Experiment with minimalistic styles or techniques that require fewer supplies, allowing you to create impactful art while keeping costs low.

15. Repurpose Old Artwork:
Don’t discard old or unfinished artworks. Instead, consider reworking or repurposing them to breathe new life into your creations. This way, you can save money and reinvent your artistic vision.

16. Attend Community Workshops:
Keep an eye out for local community centers, art clubs, or workshops that offer low-cost or free art classes. These opportunities provide access to resources and guidance, fostering artistic growth without straining your budget.

17. Optimize Art Supply Usage:
Make the most out of every art supply by exploring different techniques and experimenting with different ways to apply and blend colors. This way, you can stretch your materials further and maximize their value.

18. Create Art Challenges:
Participating in art challenges or prompts not only boosts your creativity but also encourages you to work with limited supplies. These challenges can be found online or organized among fellow artists, inspiring you to think outside the box.

19. Preserve and Organize:
Maintain your art supplies in good condition by properly storing them. This will help extend their lifespan, preventing unnecessary expenses due to damage or deterioration.

20. Utilize Library Resources:
Visit your local library to explore art books, magazines, or digital resources. Libraries often provide access to materials that can inspire your art or teach you new techniques, all at no cost.

21. Join Online Art Communities:
Engage with online art communities and forums where artists share ideas, tips, and resources. By connecting with like-minded individuals, you can gain insights into budget-friendly art supplies and techniques.

22. Frequent Art Supply Sales:
Keep an eye on seasonal sales, discounts, and promotions offered by art supply stores. By planning ahead and purchasing during these sales, you can acquire high-quality materials at more affordable prices.

23. Practice Art Conservation:
Limit waste by reusing and repurposing as much as possible. Clean and preserve brushes, properly seal paint tubes, and store leftover paint for future use. Small conservation efforts can make a significant difference in your art budget.

24. Seek Sponsorship or Grants:
Research art organizations or local programs that offer sponsorship or grants to support emerging artists. These opportunities can provide financial assistance to purchase art supplies or fund specific art projects.

25. Embrace the Journey:
Remember that art is about the process and personal expression, not just the final product. Embrace the joy of creating, explore new techniques, and enjoy the journey of self-discovery without worrying about the cost.recycled art

Artistic expression should never be limited by financial constraints. By adopting resourcefulness, exploring alternative materials, and connecting with fellow artists, you can unleash your creativity and create art on a budget. Let your imagination soar, experiment with different techniques, and enjoy the fulfilling experience of bringing your artistic visions to life without breaking the bank.

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Overcoming Artist’s Block and Rediscovering Inspiration

art blockAs an artist, encountering creative blockages can be frustrating and discouraging. It’s a common challenge that almost every artist faces at some point in their journey. However, it’s important to remember that artist’s block is not a permanent state but rather a temporary obstacle that can be overcome. In this blog post, we will explore practical steps to help artists regain their momentum and reignite their creative spark. This is an issue I frequently struggle with and because it occurs so often, I have had to learn various ways to get around it.  Below are several ways you can try to get your mojo back.

1. Embrace the Block:
Acknowledge and accept that creative blocks are a natural part of the artistic process. It’s essential to be patient and kind to yourself during this period, understanding that it’s temporary and doesn’t define your abilities as an artist. By accepting it, the power goes out of it and the block will not last long.  If you simply tell yourself, “It will go away soon.” and move on you will find it doing just that.

2. Explore New Art Forms:
Expand your horizons by exploring different art forms. Trying something new can stimulate your creativity and provide a fresh perspective. Experiment with various mediums, techniques, or even engage in interdisciplinary collaborations to invigorate your artistic expression. This is my favorite way to bust up my art block.  When necessary, I take out a medium I rarely use and play with it.  I don’t try to make art, I simply allow myself to play with it.  I notice texture, color, application, etc. of this medium as if I am using it for the first time.  I draw circles, squares, lines, and make doodles with this medium until I feel satisfied that I have explored it fully.  I discover that by doing this, I usually have new ideas and plans for making real art almost immediately.

3. Seek Inspiration Outside Your Comfort Zone:
Step outside your artistic bubble and seek inspiration from different sources. Visit art galleries, museums, or attend cultural events. Explore nature, listen to diverse music genres, read books, or watch films. Exposure to new experiences and ideas can spark your imagination and reignite your creativity. My daughter and I love to go to galleries and museums to explore various art periods and styles.  We talk about what we are seeing, not just what we are looking at.  We talk about artist’s use of colors and textures, not about subject matter.  When we leave, I always feel energized to get back to my studio and make art.

4. Create a Routine:
Establishing a consistent creative routine can help overcome artist’s block. Set aside dedicated time for artistic pursuits, even if it’s just a few minutes each day. By making creativity a habit, you’ll create a space where inspiration is more likely to emerge. I am slightly OCD (obsessive-compulsive-disorder) and I feel compelled to make a list and stick to it.  Creating a routine around art has been a struggle for me until recently when I realized that it is just like everything else I regulate and order.  I can set a time and date to make art, but if I am not able to do so, I still use the time to play with my materials.  I have learned to love collage because of this.  I have also learned to love mixed media because of this step.

5. Engage in Artistic Exercises and Prompts:
Participate in creative exercises and prompts to jumpstart your artistic process. Join online art communities or workshops that provide prompts or challenges to stimulate your creativity. These exercises can serve as warm-up activities and gradually ease you back into the flow of creating. Th

art play

ere are so many challenges online that you can choose to participate in.  I usually start one or two and do well for a while then go off on my own tangent once I am back in the mood for my art.  I like using these challenges this way.  

6. Experiment with Limitations:
Set limitations or restrictions for yourself, such as using a limited color palette or creating art within a specific theme. These constraints can push you to think outside the box and find innovative solutions within the boundaries you’ve set. I have tried this and find that by limiting myself to a few colors or just one theme makes me really have to think outside of my art box.  I have produced quite a few pieces I love this way, but I have also made many a mess. Either way, I have enjoyed challenging myself and find my creative juices flowing again.

7. Collaborate and Share Ideas:
Reach out to fellow artists, join art groups, or engage in collaborations. Sharing ideas, discussing creative processes, and receiving constructive feedback can inspire fresh perspectives and reignite your artistic passion. There are so many wonderful artists online.  Don’t hesitate to reach out and tell them when you enjoy a piece they present online.  Don’t hesitate to comment in groups about things you have enjoyed by other artists.  Belonging to a group of like-minded individuals is empowering and will open you up to new ideas.

8. Find Solace in Art Therapy:
If artist’s block persists or is causing emotional distress, consider art therapy. This therapeutic approach allows you to express yourself freely and explore emotions through creative means. A trained art therapist can guide you through the process, helping you find new avenues of expression. As a retired psychiatric nurse, I am very familiar with Art Therapy.  There are times that you just need to scribble and paint to express your mood, so go ahead and do it.  Give yourself permission to create pieces with and about your feelings when you need to.

9. Take a Break:taking a break
Sometimes, the best way to overcome artist’s block is to take a step back and recharge. Engage in activities unrelated to art, practice self-care, and allow yourself to rest. Taking breaks can provide mental clarity and a fresh outlook when you return to your artistic endeavors. Sometimes, a brisk walk around the block, or a visit to a close park is all it will take.  At other times, maybe you need to stimulate yourself with social activities, or allow yourself to take a nap to recharge.  Just do what seems right for you and be gentle on yourself.  We all need kindness.

10. Embrace Failure and Learn from It:
Don’t be afraid of failure or creative setbacks. Treat them as opportunities for growth and learning. Accept that not every artwork will be a masterpiece, and mistakes are an integral part of the artistic journey. Embracing failures can release the fear of judgment and free your creativity. Since I am not really a great artist, this is my favorite tip.  I have so many more failures than I have successes and I love each and every one.  I can usually find one thing in each piece that I love, so I choose to focus on that part and ignore the rest.  Sometimes, I cut up these pieces and use them in mixed media pieces where they shine.

11. Journal and Reflect:
Maintain an artistic journal to jot down ideas, sketches, and reflections. Writing about your creative process and emotions can help you gain insights and identify patterns. Additionally, looking back at your journal can serve as a reminder of past inspirations and breakthroughs. If you have read any other posts here, you know I am all about journaling and rereading your journals to learn about yourself.  This one is a no-brainer for me, but if you are not a journal user, you might want to try it out.  Use what you have, any type of paper will do.  Write about what you think and feel at the moment.  Keep it short and sweet.  Don’t let it overwhelm you.  Once you get used to journaling, you can try writing more, but to begin just keep it simple.  You might even try the one-line a day journaling system.

12. Attend Workshops and Classes:
Enroll in art workshops, classes, or retreats to learn new techniques and gain fresh perspectives. The structured environment and guidance from experienced instructors can help break through creative blocks and provide renewed inspiration. I used to love going to art classes, but since I retired, I now seem to enjoy online art classes.  There are several sites where you can take art classes for a small fee; but if you want to spend more, there are many artists online who offer classes.  Try out one or two and see if that helps with art block.

13. Keep Creating:
Above all, never stop creating. Push through the resistance, even if the result feels unsatisfactory. The act of creating itself can provide momentum and eventually lead to breakthroughs. Embrace the process, enjoy the journey, and trust that inspiration will find its way back to you.

Just remember, we all experience artist’s block at one time or another.  Be gentle with yourself.  Give yourself permission to play with art during these stressful periods.  Don’t push, simply enjoy and continue to make art no matter what comes out of your fingertips.


Overcoming Artist’s Block and Rediscovering Inspiration Read More »

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