Art Journaling

Nomad Artists: Crafting Creativity Across the Globe

The traditional concept of an art studio has evolved significantly in the digital age. Modern artists are increasingly breaking away from the confines of four walls and embracing a nomadic lifestyle that combines their passion for travel with their creative pursuits. These globe-trotting creators carry their studios in their backpacks, drawing inspiration from diverse cultures and landscapes to produce their art.

Embracing the Nomadic Artist Lifestyle

Nomad artists are characterized by their love for change and the thrill of new environments. Whether it’s the peaceful shores of Bali, a lively café in Paris, or a quiet park in New York City, they find fre

sh inspiration at every stop. This dynamic lifestyle not only fuels their artistic vision but also exposes them to a variety of cultures and artistic methods that shape their creative output.

Essential Tools for the Traveling Artist

The success of a nomadic artist hinges on their choice of tools. It’s crucial to have gear that is portable, lightweight, and multifunctional. Digital artists often opt for tablets and laptops, equipped with styluses and software like Adobe Photoshop, Procreate, or Autodesk Sketchbook, which serve as their digital canva

ses. Meanwhile, artists who prefer traditional mediums might choose compact travel kits that include watercolor sets, sketchbooks, mini easels, and collapsible tools, all designed to fit neatly into a suitcase or backpack.

Navigating Challenges While on the Move

However, the nomadic lifestyle comes with its own set of hurdles. Issues such as unstable internet connections, finding suitable workspaces, and the constant need to adjust can be overwhelming. The transient nature of their living situation can also lead to feelings of isolation. To combat this, many nomadic artists participate in online forums or local w

orkshops where they can connect with peers and build a supportive community.

Maintaining Productivity and Inspiration

Discipline is key for nomadic artists, who must balance their work with the allure of new experiences. Many establish specific routines, dedicating certain hours of the day to their art, which helps maintain productivity. Keeping an inspiration journal is another common practice; documenting their journeys and ideas provides a rich reservoir of material for future artworks.

Connecting with Audiences and Showcasing Work

In today’s digital-centric world, maintaining an active online presence is  essential. Nomadic artists regularly update their websites, blogs, and social media profiles with new artwork and insights into their creative process. Visual platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are especially useful, enabling them to reach a worldwide audience, engage with potential patrons, and connect with galleries. 

Nomad Artist

The life of a nomadic artist blends adventure with creativity, presenting unique opportunities and challenges. It’s a life of constant discovery and inspiration, ideal for those who envision the world as their studio. If you’re a nomad artist or aspire to be one, we’d love to hear about your experiences and the art that has emerged from your travels in the comments below!

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Journaling for Creativity

Boosting Creativity and Overcoming Mental Blocks through Journaling

Welcome to the world of journaling, a powerful tool that can unlock your creativity and help you navigate through mental blocks that hinder your artistic expression. In this blog post, we will explore how journaling stimulates your imagination, encourages self-reflection, and provides a safe space for brainstorming ideas. By incorporating simple yet effective techniques into your journaling practice, you can tap into your inner creative genius and overcome obstacles that stand in the way of your artistic pursuits.

I. How Journaling for Creativity increases your own creativity

journaling for creativity

1. Helps You Process Your Thoughts

Journaling can help you process your thoughts and emotions, which can lead to new ideas and insights. By writing down your thoughts, you can gain clarity and perspective, which can help you come up with new ideas.

2. Encourages Free Thinking

Journaling allows you to write freely without worrying about judgment or criticism. This can encourage free thinking and help you generate new ideas.

3. Provides a Safe Space to Experiment

Journaling provides a safe space to experiment with new ideas and approaches. You can try out different writing styles, brainstorm new ideas, and explore different perspectives without worrying about the outcome.

4. Helps You Identify Patterns

Journaling can help you identify patterns in your thinking and behavior that may be blocking your creativity. By recognizing these patterns, you can take steps to overcome them and unlock your creativity.

II. Understanding the Link between Journaling for Creativity

  1. Sparking Inspiration:

    • Through journaling, you can capture fleeting thoughts, observations, and ideas that serve as the foundation for creative projects.

      art journaling

    • Jot down random thoughts, vivid descriptions, or interesting quotes you come across to spark inspiration later.
    • Use your journal to record sensory experiences, such as sights, sounds, and emotions, to draw upon when seeking fresh ideas.
  2. Unleashing Imagination:

    • Journaling encourages free-flowing thoughts without fear of judgment, allowing your imagination to roam freely.
    • Engage in freewriting exercises where you write non-stop for a set amount of time, exploring ideas without worrying about grammar or coherence.
    • Try stream-of-consciousness writing, where you write down every thought that comes to mind, no matter how unrelated or random.

III. Journaling for Creativity: Techniques for Enhancing Creativity

  1. Morning Pages:

      • Begin your day with morning pages, a journaling technique popularized by Julia Cameron in her book “The Artist’s Way.”
      • Set aside a few minutes each morning to write three pages of longhand stream-of-consciousness writing.
      • Morning pages help clear mental clutter, boost focus, and generate new ideas, setting the stage for a creative day.

    morning pages

  2. Mind Mapping:

    • Use mind maps to visually organize your thoughts and generate connections between ideas.
    • Start with a central concept or theme and branch out with related ideas, keywords, and visual representations.
    • Mind maps stimulate creativity by allowing you to explore various angles and associations around a particular topic.mind map
  3. Creative Prompts:

    • Explore creative prompts to kick-start your imagination when you feel stuck.
    • Look for journaling prompt books or websites that offer intriguing questions or scenarios to write about.
    • Use prompts to delve into new perspectives, experiment with different writing styles, or explore unconventional ideas.

How to Journal for Creativity

Here are some tips on how to journal for creativity:

1. Write Freely

When journaling for creativity, it’s important to write freely without worrying about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Just let the words flow onto the page.

2. Brainstorm Ideas

Use your journal to brainstorm new ideas and approaches. Write down anything that comes to mind, no matter how silly or unrealistic it may seem.

3. Try Different Approaches

Experiment with different writing styles and approaches. For example, you could try writing in the form of a letter or a diary entry.

IV. Overcoming Mental Blocks through Journaling for Creativity

  1. Self-Reflection:

    • Journaling promotes self-reflection, providing an opportunity to identify and address mental blocks.
    • Write about your fears, doubts, or self-criticism that may be hindering your creativity.
    • Analyze recurring patterns or negative beliefs, and challenge them through counter-arguments in your journal.
  2. Problem Solving:

    • When faced with creative challenges, journaling can serve as a problem-solving tool.
    • Describe the specific problem or obstacle you’re facing, and brainstorm potential solutions.
    • Encourage a free flow of ideas without judgment, allowing unconventional or out-of-the-box solutions to emerge.
  3. Tracking Progress:

    • Use your journal to track and celebrate your creative progress over time.
    • Record completed projects, new ideas, or personal breakthroughs.
    • Reflecting on past successes can boost confidence and motivation during moments of self-doubt.

Journaling is a gateway to enhanced creativity and a valuable tool for navigating mental blocks. By incorporating simple techniques such as morning pages, mind mapping, and creative prompts into your journaling practice, you can harness your imagination, generate fresh ideas, and overcome obstacles that hinder your creative pursuits. Embrace the power of journaling, and embark on a journey of self-discovery, innovation, and artistic growth.reflective journaling

There are other posts about journaling that you can find here and here to help you understand and enjoy your journaling.

Remember, the pages of your journal hold the key to unlocking your creative potential. Start today, and let your imagination soar!

For more about this topic:

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Doodles for Creativity?

Yesterday, I was watching a video about doodles, and saw an artist explaining her process for doodling on top of her painted papers.  Her work was beautiful and I was very inspired to try her method.  It did not look very hard and did not look like I needed to be ultra-talented to make something beautiful myself.  I sat at my art table and applied watercolor in splotches all over the paper and then waited for that to dry.  She said to Google “patterns” to find things to use to put on your painting, so I tried that but did not really find anything useful.  I remembered that somewhere I had a Zentangle book so I frantically looked for it.  I found one but not the one I was looking for. Oh well.

When my paper was dry, I began by using waterproof ink marker and doodled circles of various sizes and placements on my paper.  Then I started doodling on the painting.  At first, it was really hard to focus and to decide what and where to put my doodles.  After about 15 minutes of this, I started to relax and get into this process.  It was like meditation.  I just doodled around the paper, adding color here and there.  I was shocked when I saw that I had been doing this for 2 hours!  It felt like 10 minutes.

This process was very enjoyable and I plan to continue.  There are several articles online that say doodling is a gateway to your creativity; I have to agree with them on that. If you just put pen to paper and just make doodles, you will zone out eventually and your creativity will take over.  I hope you try this out for yourself to see how enjoyable this process is.

So, here is a picture of my piece:My Doodles


Here are the videos I watched:


and here,


I hope you try this out for yourself.  I am going to make another today, just for fun!

If you like this, check out my art journaling post here.


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How to Art Journal for you

In my last post, I talked about art journaling–what it is, how to do it, and why it is good for you.  It’s a good post and I recommend it to anyone who wants to start an art journal but is fearful, or confused about how to get started.  The rule is–there are no rules!  Just start where you are and go with it.  That being said, I thought I would post here about how you can make your art journal yours and not feel like it is someone else’s.


art journal


There are so many blogs and videos online that tell you how to make an art journal, how to do an art journal, what to put into an art journal, etc.  I thoroughly understand how a person who has never done anything remotely “arty” might be off-put or confused by the amount of and difference between all the information online.  So, here I just want to clarify something for any person who has ever thought about starting an art journal and been stymied and never started; an art journal is what you want it to be.  There really are no rules and you can make it however it serves your purpose.

Here is a good article on what is an art journal.  You might want to read it, but remember this is her way to do it, not necessarily your way.

art journal

One Little Word

Let’s begin with what you want to accomplish with your art journal:

  1. Do you want to use an art journal to play in? 
  2. Do you want to have an art journal to express your thoughts and feelings?
  3. Do you want an art journal because you always thought it would be a cool thing to do?
  4. Do you want to art journal because you need stress relief?
  5. Do you think an art journal will be therapeutic for what you are dealing with right now?

All of these are a correct reason to start an art journal.  If you just want to play, this is the place.  If you want to learn to express yourself, this is the place, If you think it will be a cool thing to  do, this is the place.  If you need stress relief, this is the place, If you need therapy right now, this is the place.  I hope you got the message that art journaling is for any and all reasons.

Let’s talk about what you can use to art journal:

Now we get to the nitty gritty.  An art journal can be made on or out of anything.  Surprised?  I know people who use old magazines or sales catalogues; I know people who use a $.50 lined notebook; I know people who use individual pages that later are clipped together; I know people who use store bought journals; I think you will only be restricted by what you can find or have access to.  There are even people that journal on playing cards!  Think about that for a  second.

art journal




Your art journal needs to meet your requirements.  Do you want to only journal at home in a safe place? Do you want a journal you can keep with you at all times? Do you want to journal big? small? tiny? Once you figure out what you can use and the size, you are ready to get started.

Let’s talk about what you will need:

Here we can really get lost.

  • You can art journal with only a pencil and paper, or pen and paper.  I have seen examples of such journals that took my breath away in their simplicity and beauty.
  • You can choose to use papers and collage for your art journal.  I have seen artists who do entire portraits out of collage and entire landscapes out of collage, so there is no limit to what you can accomplish with using just paper.  If that is your style, you will only need papers (trash, containers, magazines, mail, as well as store bought paper) scissors, and glue.
  • Then there is the person who wants to use paint in their journal.  You go!  Get yourself a very cheap set of acrylics for $2 at Walmart and get going.  Make a mess with paint, or paint what you are seeing or feeling.  Do use paint, you will need paper that can hold up under the paint, paint brushes (get those at the craft store of Walmart too), and something to hold water in.  I use a bottle top from my laundry bottle.  It’s free and it works, so I am confident you can find something for free in your own house.  Let’s not forget that you can use watercolor or gouache paints too, but I find acrylics work best for me.  You do you.
  • Then there is the person who likes to mix things up and use all of the above.  My kind of art journalist.  This type only wants to play and use various supplies to express themselves and their moods.  They need all the above and usually have them already because they have dipped their toes in before but got distracted by life.

The bottom line is that everything can be used in an art journal, you decide what makes you happy and that’s what you do!

Let’s talk about how to get started:


Okay, you have your journal (paper or whatever), you have the supplies you need.  Now what?  Well the best answer to that question is just get started; but I know from my own experience that answer is not helpful.  So let’s get real here.  Maybe you need some inspiration.  Go look online at other art journalists to see what they are doing, go watch some videos online to learn new tricks to try out, but my favorite is to find a quote somewhere that speaks to you (you know what I mean here I hope) and start there.

art journal

When I find a good quote, I usually think about it for a few days and images start to fill my head.  After a while, I just have to get started putting them down on paper.  Sometimes I draw, sometimes I collage, sometimes I paint.  There is no rhyme or reason to it.  It just happens.  I play with it until I feel satisfied that I have done all I need to do.  Then I move on to something else.  It is not unusual for me to make 2 or 3 pages in one sitting, but that is me.  You may take days and days just to finish one page. Again, you do you, boo!

However you find to get yourself started, just make sure you do it instead of putting it off for later. Later never arrives.  You will be standing in your own way of progress.

art journal




Let’s talk about what you get out of art journaling:

  1. You should get a sense of satisfaction that you created something that did not exist in our world before.
  2. You should get a feeling of relaxation and decreased stress.
  3. You should get a feeling of accomplishment: You did that!
  4. You should feel happy and relieved.
  5. You should have a release from the issues you were dealing with in that page.
  6. Mostly, you should just be pleased with yourself.

Art Journaling is so good for your feelings of self-worth, self-esteem, and connection.  When you play in an art journal, you receive so much back that you will wonder why it took you so long to get started.

So, now my question is, What are you still doing here?  Go get started!

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Art Journal: What is it and What do you do with it?

In this post, I want to talk about art journaling.  There is quite a lot of information available online and on YouTube about doing art journaling and making an art journal; but here I just want to break this process down to the bare bones so as not to overwhelm anyone.

art Journal

Basically, and art journal is a type of book (it can be any kind of book, even a magazine) that you use to express your thoughts and feelings about your life or just about your day.  There are very few rules to an art journal since it is yours to do with as you wish.  When I first started out, I was confused by all the talk about pockets, tags, journal cards, etc.  Then I discovered that none of that was necessary.  I went to the Dollar Tree and got a lined book in the school section and that is what became my first art journal.  It wasn’t the best choice since that paper did not hold up well to the addition of paints, but I used it until it was full up.  Because I chose something that only cost me a dollar, it wasn’t precious to me and I did not mind making a mess of it.

That first art journal turned into a place for me to explore my style.  To develop my style of art.  It didn’t matter if it was any good because no one would ever see it.  It was a place for me to spend time drawing, painting, journaling, and collaging.  I would find artists I like on Instagram and try to make things in that style, then make it again with changes I liked.  I would use it to perfect my drawing (especially perspective) and I didn’t care that some of my drawings looked like a child drew them.  It was my private space to play, to grow, to practice my art.

Here are some ways others have used their art journals:

  1. Document your experiences and memories through art and writing
  2. Experiment with different art techniques and materials
  3. Practice drawing or painting from observation or imagination
  4. Create art to express your emotions or feelings
  5. Record your personal goals and aspirations
  6. Collect inspiration and ideas for future art projects
  7. Use your art journal as a tool for self-reflection and personal growth

All of these will work for your art journal.  I know some people with mental health issues who use theirs to learn more about themselves and their illness.  People with chronic illness sometimes do art journaling to get relief from pain and to give them a break from their illness.  There are so many reasons to art journal, surely you can find one that fits you.

art Journal

Things that you can put in your art journal to help you:

  • Drawings, sketches, and paintings
  • Collages made from found materials (e.g., magazine clippings, old photographs, ephemera)
  • Handwritten notes, lists, and journal entries
  • Quotes, poems, or song lyrics that inspire you
  • Doodles, patterns, or decorative elements
  • Mixed media elements, such as washi tape, stickers, or stencils
  • Photographs or prints of your artwork or artwork that inspires you

The list could go on and on, so don’t limit yourself to these.  You will find that as you journal, your mind will open up to more and more possibilities on ways to fill it up.  Go with it!

Places to look to find your items:

There is the obvious craft store or art store

There are many online stores that specialize in art journal ephemera (some of my favorites are Amazon, Temu, wish, Target, Michaels, Shein, etc.)

Collect old magazines from the recycle stack

Find online free journaling pages

Look for old photographs, either your own or some you found online (this is my favorite–I like to make lives up for the old photographs I find)

Thrift and Charity stores have a wide selection of items that can be used in an art journal.

Here are some YouTube videos that explain exactly how to make your own art journal if you want to do that:


There are so many more there for you to check out.  Now that you know how to do this, go get started.  I can’t wait to see what you do.  Please leave a comment below and tell me about your journey with your art journal.  I have another post about this subject here.  If you want to see someone else’s art journal, you can check it out here!

If you would like a printable sheet of art quotes, please click here.

Art Journal: What is it and What do you do with it? Read More »

What is an Art Journal and What is it For?

I’ve been journaling in one form or another most of my life.  I started making an art journal long before I knew there was a name for the type of journal I was making. It seems that many people would like to journal but have so many questions that they never get started.  I hope to answer most of those questions here and help you get started, if that is on your mind.  Journaling is a wonderful way to free up your mind from stress, expand your creativity, and make a mess!  If you start a journal now, you can have as much fun as I do with my journal.

What exactly is an Art Journal?

Most people who make art journals will answer this question simply.  An art journal is a visual diary–a place to put your thoughts, keep a record of your day, save your memories, and to try new things out.  You can write in an art journal; you can paint in an art journal; you can collage in an art journal.  You can combine any or all of these things in your art journal.  It is your safe place to play, record thoughts and feelings, try new mediums, learn new techniques, or write about your day.

Why would you write in an Art Journal?

Some art journalists like to write in their art journals, some do not.  I sometimes write stuff down to get it out of my head then I cover it up with paint or collage. What you write, or even if you write, is a personal choice.  Either way is correct.  You can write a quote, you can write a song, you can write your feelings, you can just write about your day.  Anything goes.  As I said, I write to get things out of my head mostly, but sometimes I write quotes that resonate with me that day.  If I write about my feelings, I usually cover that up with paint to keep it private, but you don’t have to do that.  Sometimes my day is perfect and I want to capture everything that happened, so I write it down.  Like I said before, it is your journal and there is no right or wrong unless you make it so.

Why should you keep an Art Journal?

Keeping an art journal is a way to express yourself creatively.  You can try new things and experiment with new materials there.  It is a reasonably cheap place to make mistakes and you don’t expect to get any masterpieces there.  With your art journal, you have permission to play and make a mess.  No one will punish you for it and you just might learn something about what works for you and what doesn’t.

How does it work?

You can use loose paper to journal on or you can use a bound book.  It’s your choice.  It is an open-ended art form where you are free to practice and try out new ideas without inhibition.  You can let your creativity loose and see where it takes you.  You are in control.

What are the benefits to keeping an Art Journal?

Art journals help to relieve stress, help you to focus on the activity at hand, and inspire creativity.  You will find that if you art journal regularly, you will be inspired to do more creative work in all aspects of your life.  It has been researched and proven that journaling benefits your brain in many ways.  When you art journal, you get into the zone and your body relaxes and your mind empties.  It is a refreshing break from the stress of everyday life that you can do anytime you want.

What are some good journal topics?

Anything goes in an art journal.  The topic is a personal choice, but if you draw a blank, Google “journal topics” or “journal prompts” and you will find more things to journal about than you can ever do in your lifetime.  Seriously, you can journal about anything and everything.

In case this has not answered all your questions, below are a couple of good videos about Art Journaling for you to enjoy.  Keep in mind that for every person who give you advice, there are many others who will tell you something completely different.  That’s because journaling is such a personal and private thing and everyone is different.  So, watch the video, gather your tools, and start journaling.  You will not regret it and may even enjoy the process.

I hope you enjoyed this post.  I know that there are many other blogs that have this information, but I thought I would tell you about it from my point of view. If you made it this far, please leave me a comment to let me know what you think.  I also have a new post on my FB page that you could check out if you have time.  It is about making Christmas cards and I think you would enjoy it.  If you go there, please like that page and leave a comment please.  Thanks for being here with me.  I really appreciate you giving me your time. I hope you come again!


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