self care

What is imposter syndrome?

One thing all artists have to struggle with is feeling like they are not “really” artists.  They denigrate their work, their talents, their abilities because they don’t feel like they deserve to be called an artist.  This is known as imposter syndrome and it is a real thing.  Many people besides artists experience this daily and for some it is crippling.  So, today, let’s delve into this topic to see what it is all about and how to deal with it once and for all.

Remind myself who I amWhat is imposter syndrome?

Impostor syndrome is best described as the fear of being considered a fraud or doubting one’s accomplishments. Even those who have reached a level of success in their chosen field are often full of anxiety and crippling thoughts of being considered a fraud. According to the Journal of Behavioral Science, it is estimated that 70% of people in the U.S. experience impostor syndrome.

Impostor syndrome (IS) is an internal feeling that you believe you are not as qualified as other may think you are. This is often connected to thoughts of perfectionism and can be applied to your intelligence or achievement. If you have feelings of being a fraud or that you did not deserve that raise, then you could be dealing with imposter syndrome.

Four Characteristics of imposter syndrome

Those who suffer with imposter syndrome doubt their own skills and accomplishments despite the evidence of the success. Below are four common indicators you may be dealing with imposter syndrome.signs of imposter syndrome

1. Deep-seated feelings of fear that you aren’t able to meet expectations.
2. Undermining your achievements even when you worked diligently towards that goal.
3. Setting unrealistic goals and then feeling disappointed if you do not meet those goals.
4. Doubting yourself no matter what you’re working on or working towards.

If you recognize any of the above, there some things you can do to move past these feelings. Begin by confronting your feelings and any beliefs you hold about yourself. If you struggle with any of this, consider speaking with a professional or close friend. Confiding in someone can help you gain clarity on your feelings and beliefs.

Impostor syndrome can be ingrained in you as a child and continue well into adulthood. Struggling with feelings of being a fraud can happen to anyone but is seen mostly in successful women. According to research done with, “despite their outstanding academic and professional accomplishments, women who experience the impostor syndrome persist in believing that they are really not bright and have fooled anyone who thinks otherwise.”

Do You Have imposter syndrome?recognizing imposter syndrome

So, how do you know if you suffer from imposter syndrome? One way to know if you are dealing with it is to take a free online test. Simply answer the questions that you can find through a quick online search, or try the free test on at

You can remove imposter syndrome by first recognizing it in your life and seeing how it is affecting you. Progressively work towards breaking those limiting beliefs by thinking of the quality of work you are performing versus the quantity.

If someone pays you a compliment, remind yourself that it is a fact and that you deserve it. Begin to recognize your own successes and take time to celebrate the wins in your life. Eventually your inner voice will support your new positive thoughts so you can overcome the feelings of impostor syndrome.

Signs You Might Be Experiencing imposter syndrome

Now that you know what imposter syndrome is, how do you know if you are living with it?

Five Signs You Have imposter syndrome

Here are five common signs that you are living with imposter syndrome.


stop feeling like you don't know

  1. You cannot assess your skills and abilities realistically because you are giving yourself unrealistic goals to accomplish.
  2. You connect your success to the outcome, giving no thought to the amount of work you put forth.
  3. You put down your o efforts and accomplishments by shrugging them off as if they were “not that good”.
  4.  You live in constant fear of failing to meet your own expectations, but fail to acknowledge the goals you’ve reached.
  5. You engage in activities that self-sabotage potential success by choosing to deliberately procrastinate.

Many people with imposter syndrome look for ways to protect their ego and self-esteem when faced with tough situations. There are negative side effects to living with imposter syndrome, such as hindering your chance of success by choosing to create a barrier. Some individuals use their limiting beliefs, or feelings of impostor syndrome, for motivation.

External Proof versus Internal Thoughtsdealing with imposter syndrome

Impostor syndrome keeps you from internally accepting or believing your abilities or successes. The more you accomplish and succeed, the stronger the negative thoughts can become.

Do you struggle with thoughts or feelings of being a fraud in your career or at school? Have you reached a goal yet you don’t feel you did it well enough? These are examples of how individuals with imposter syndrome feel. Even though you accomplished the goal you set out to do, you can’t seem to internally believe it was good enough.

Internal feelings can increase the anxiety and could lead to intense feelings of being a fraud. This creates a vicious cycle and it may require the help of a psychologist or therapist to overcome this phenomenon. If the impostor syndrome is not correctly handled, it can lead to feelings of isolation or even feelings of dread.

Impostor syndrome is often passed down to a person from their family, unknowingly. It may not be evident until later in their teens or adulthood. Another potential cause may be from entering a new career field where you internally compare your skills to those who have been at the job longer than yourself. There could also be a number of external factors that could cause a person to be inflicted with impostor syndrome.Realizing you have imposter syndrome


Once you realize you have impostor syndrome, you can take steps to overcome it. Some of these steps include sharing your feelings and fears with trusted individuals. Ask yourself if your thoughts are honest and rational. Assess whether you are comparing yourself to others without even realizing it. Keep in mind that successful people struggle with impostor syndrome and often relate their success to luck instead of hard work. Let your guard down and let others see you for who you really are.

Success Is Not Luck, It’s You!

Impostor syndrome can cause you to feel that you only accomplished your goals due to luck. Maybe you think you aren’t as good as your boss thinks you are and you worry that you’ll be found out. Research shows us that both men and women battle impostor syndrome and are unable to acknowledge and own their successes.

Individuals that live with impostor syndrome think that things happen to them due to luck rather than their own hard work or abilities. This then leads to a cycle of negative thinking that can hold them back from moving up the corporate ladder. They may even end up working harder than necessary, which could lead to increased feelings of failure or burnout.

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life

If you are living with impostor syndrome you may struggle with accepting your own success. Perhaps you feel that you don’t deserve your corporate position or  an award of accomplishment. If you can relate to this, then there are some suggestions on how you can fix your inner impostor.


  • Change your mindset to accept your shortcomings instead of seeking a perfect outcome with every project or goal.
  • Embrace your imperfections and learn to accept yourself the way you are. Remind yourself that you did your best.
  • Keep a list of realistic goals. If you have a list of goals already then look through them with honesty.
  • Believe the effort you’ve put forth regardless of the outcome. You may have worked hard towards a goal just to fall short of the desired outcome. This is an opportunity to accept the outcome and still be proud of the work you put into it.

So, as you can see this can happen to anyone anywhere.  It is our own responsibility to determine if we suffer from this syndrome and then do the work to change the way we think about our efforts.  Most people do not need to seek professional help unless this syndrome is so ingrained into their psyche that they are unable to see it or change it and it is damaging their lives.  Mostly, don’t feel bad about yourself if you have this syndrome.  70% of successful people do have it.  You are not alone, but you may need to reevaluate your thoughts and thinking patterns to decrease your anxiety about your work.

Here’s a great Ted Talk to watch and hear more about this issue: Elizabeth Cox Ted Talk

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Journaling for Creativity

Boosting Creativity and Overcoming Mental Blocks through Journaling

Welcome to the world of journaling, a powerful tool that can unlock your creativity and help you navigate through mental blocks that hinder your artistic expression. In this blog post, we will explore how journaling stimulates your imagination, encourages self-reflection, and provides a safe space for brainstorming ideas. By incorporating simple yet effective techniques into your journaling practice, you can tap into your inner creative genius and overcome obstacles that stand in the way of your artistic pursuits.

I. How Journaling for Creativity increases your own creativity

journaling for creativity

1. Helps You Process Your Thoughts

Journaling can help you process your thoughts and emotions, which can lead to new ideas and insights. By writing down your thoughts, you can gain clarity and perspective, which can help you come up with new ideas.

2. Encourages Free Thinking

Journaling allows you to write freely without worrying about judgment or criticism. This can encourage free thinking and help you generate new ideas.

3. Provides a Safe Space to Experiment

Journaling provides a safe space to experiment with new ideas and approaches. You can try out different writing styles, brainstorm new ideas, and explore different perspectives without worrying about the outcome.

4. Helps You Identify Patterns

Journaling can help you identify patterns in your thinking and behavior that may be blocking your creativity. By recognizing these patterns, you can take steps to overcome them and unlock your creativity.

II. Understanding the Link between Journaling for Creativity

  1. Sparking Inspiration:

    • Through journaling, you can capture fleeting thoughts, observations, and ideas that serve as the foundation for creative projects.

      art journaling

    • Jot down random thoughts, vivid descriptions, or interesting quotes you come across to spark inspiration later.
    • Use your journal to record sensory experiences, such as sights, sounds, and emotions, to draw upon when seeking fresh ideas.
  2. Unleashing Imagination:

    • Journaling encourages free-flowing thoughts without fear of judgment, allowing your imagination to roam freely.
    • Engage in freewriting exercises where you write non-stop for a set amount of time, exploring ideas without worrying about grammar or coherence.
    • Try stream-of-consciousness writing, where you write down every thought that comes to mind, no matter how unrelated or random.

III. Journaling for Creativity: Techniques for Enhancing Creativity

  1. Morning Pages:

      • Begin your day with morning pages, a journaling technique popularized by Julia Cameron in her book “The Artist’s Way.”
      • Set aside a few minutes each morning to write three pages of longhand stream-of-consciousness writing.
      • Morning pages help clear mental clutter, boost focus, and generate new ideas, setting the stage for a creative day.

    morning pages

  2. Mind Mapping:

    • Use mind maps to visually organize your thoughts and generate connections between ideas.
    • Start with a central concept or theme and branch out with related ideas, keywords, and visual representations.
    • Mind maps stimulate creativity by allowing you to explore various angles and associations around a particular topic.mind map
  3. Creative Prompts:

    • Explore creative prompts to kick-start your imagination when you feel stuck.
    • Look for journaling prompt books or websites that offer intriguing questions or scenarios to write about.
    • Use prompts to delve into new perspectives, experiment with different writing styles, or explore unconventional ideas.

How to Journal for Creativity

Here are some tips on how to journal for creativity:

1. Write Freely

When journaling for creativity, it’s important to write freely without worrying about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Just let the words flow onto the page.

2. Brainstorm Ideas

Use your journal to brainstorm new ideas and approaches. Write down anything that comes to mind, no matter how silly or unrealistic it may seem.

3. Try Different Approaches

Experiment with different writing styles and approaches. For example, you could try writing in the form of a letter or a diary entry.

IV. Overcoming Mental Blocks through Journaling for Creativity

  1. Self-Reflection:

    • Journaling promotes self-reflection, providing an opportunity to identify and address mental blocks.
    • Write about your fears, doubts, or self-criticism that may be hindering your creativity.
    • Analyze recurring patterns or negative beliefs, and challenge them through counter-arguments in your journal.
  2. Problem Solving:

    • When faced with creative challenges, journaling can serve as a problem-solving tool.
    • Describe the specific problem or obstacle you’re facing, and brainstorm potential solutions.
    • Encourage a free flow of ideas without judgment, allowing unconventional or out-of-the-box solutions to emerge.
  3. Tracking Progress:

    • Use your journal to track and celebrate your creative progress over time.
    • Record completed projects, new ideas, or personal breakthroughs.
    • Reflecting on past successes can boost confidence and motivation during moments of self-doubt.

Journaling is a gateway to enhanced creativity and a valuable tool for navigating mental blocks. By incorporating simple techniques such as morning pages, mind mapping, and creative prompts into your journaling practice, you can harness your imagination, generate fresh ideas, and overcome obstacles that hinder your creative pursuits. Embrace the power of journaling, and embark on a journey of self-discovery, innovation, and artistic growth.reflective journaling

There are other posts about journaling that you can find here and here to help you understand and enjoy your journaling.

Remember, the pages of your journal hold the key to unlocking your creative potential. Start today, and let your imagination soar!

For more about this topic:

Journaling for Creativity Read More »

Journaling and your Mental Health

In previous posts, I have explored art journaling; ways to do it, why to do it, and what you need to do it.  Today, though, I want to focus just on the journaling aspect.  Maybe the thought of art journaling is too intimidating or scary.  Maybe you have been told all your life that you can’t draw or be creative.  If so, then let’s just talk about what journaling can do for you and your health.

There are many ways to keep a journal.  The easiest and fastest way to do so is with a cheap lined notebook that you can keep handy.  Here is the type I am talking about.

If you have never kept a journal, using something that you don’t consider “precious” is helpful.  That way, you can write with abandon and not care if you make a mistake or make a mess.   When you are journaling, you want to be able to write without thinking about your supplies, what you are writing, or if what you put on paper is grammatically correct.  This is your place to express your feelings and thoughts, so just let them spill out onto your paper.  No pressure, no rules, no worry.

Most girls I know have had a diary at some time in their lives.  I know I did and I loved to write in mine until my older sister found my diary and read it out loud at the dinner table.  It mortified me.  I have had difficulty writing down anything personal ever since and I have struggled with feeling safe in my journals.  It worked out.  I used my journals to learn to trust again and to feel safe again, but it took me a very long time.  Even now, as I grow into a senior, I experience moments when writing down my thoughts or feelings gives me a moments pause.  It is okay.  I just wait for it to pass and go on with my journaling.

Here is an excerpt from an article on the positive effects on your health from journaling:

Why is Journaling Good For You?

Journaling is a widely used non-pharmacological tool for coaching and counseling and the treatment of mental illness. Two forms of journaling are particularly commonplace in psychotherapy (Sohal et al., 2022):

  • Expressive writing
    Typically performed over three or four sessions to access the client’s innermost feelings and thoughts; focusing on the emotional experience than events, people, or objects.
  • Gratitude journaling
    Involving a focus on the positive aspects of life through capturing situations, events, and interactions for which we are grateful.

Keeping a record of personal thoughts and feelings is particularly helpful in supporting mental health by (, 2021):

  • Reducing anxiety
  • Breaking away from a nonstop cycle of obsessive thinking and brooding
  • Improving the awareness and perception of events
  • Regulating emotions
  • Encouraging awareness
  • Boosting physical health

The positive effects of journaling can even be felt when not performed daily – helping the individual better understand their needs and boosting their wellbeing (Tartakovsky, 2022).

Research on Journaling

Studies show that by capturing our thoughts and feelings on paper, “participants often reveal a considerable range and depth of emotional trauma” (Baikie & Wilhelm, 2005, p. 339).

Indeed, while the experience of writing can be upsetting, clients report they find it valuable and meaningful and, ultimately, a valuable part of the acceptance process.

In fact, based on client self-reports, research suggests a wide range of physical, cognitive, and emotional benefits from expressive writing (Baikie & Wilhelm, 2005):

  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Improved lung and liver function
  • Less time spent in hospital
  • Better moods
  • Improved psychological wellbeing
  • Fewer depressive and avoidance symptoms
  • Reduced stress-related visits to the doctor
  • Less work absenteeism
  • Less time out of work following job loss
  • Higher student grade averages

Not only that, but research into gratitude journaling suggests that “study participants who regularly drew their attention to aspects of their lives that made them feel blessed increased their positivity” (Fredrickson, 2010, p. 187). However, a caveat exists. Recording what makes us feel grateful every day can become monotonous, even zapping positivity. A few days a week may be sufficient.

There are scientific studies to determine the effects of journaling on the body.  Some of the findings promote that journaling helps with anxiety and depression, with stress relief, can improve your memory, and may even boost your immunity.  Here is an article about that.

When should you journal?

The quick answer is whenever you feel the need.  I know that is a non-answer for most of us when we are looking for specifics.  So, for us let’s examine when we need to journal.

The best thing is to decide you are going to journal daily (or weekly).  Putting it down on your to do list or calendar can help, but if that feels to exposed, just make a mental agreement with yourself that you will journal at a designated rate–either daily or weekly.  The next thing is to determine what time of day is the easiest and the best time for you.  We all have internal schedules that we have to function around.

I am a morning person, so I would need to journal in the early morning when I have the most energy and my mind is clearest.  My children are night owls and would then need to journal later in the evening because that is when they feel more energized and alert.  You need to discover when you feel the most alert and clear headed.  That may be the time you need to journal.  Okay, let’s say that is in the middle of your work day.  Bummer.  However, journaling can be as simple as a single line, or as complex as you want.  It really should not take you very long to write in your journal.  If it does, you are thinking about it too hard.  Find your time and make it work.

What should you put in a journal?

brain dump journal


This is when it gets to be creative.  There are so many ways to keep a journal that you may need to try them all out to see what works best for you.  It may turn out that different types of journaling will work for you at different times during the week.  I use many types of journaling throughout my week.  It just depends on what my thoughts are and what is happening around me.

Let’s look at types of journaling:

 Brain Dump Journaling:

The first type is called a “Brain Dump” and it is exactly what you think it is.  You sit down and just put every thought in your head down on paper without any worry of thought about it.  This type of journaling is good to get things out of your head and out of your way.  I find that this type of journaling works for me when my inner critic starts to interfere with what I want to do. If I just pour out all the negative things my critic is saying to me onto paper, I can see it for what it is and move past it.  You may find this type of journaling is helpful for you to get negative thoughts out in the open so you can see that they are just that, negative thoughts, and have no power over you.

Bullet Journaling:

The second type is call “Bullet Journaling” and there are many articles and videos available to you to explore this type.  Basically, bullet journaling helps you to focus on tasks you need to get done without applying pressure on yourself. This type of journal helps you get or stay organized; it helps you set and keep your goals; it allows customization to meet your needs and not the needs of anyone else.  It is a combination of lists and writing, as well as doodling and stickers.  This allows both catharsis and progress in your day and also allows for some creativity on your part, but not quite like an art journal.

Gratitude Journaling:

bullet journaling

The next type of journal is called a “Gratitude journal” and the focus here is to write about all the good things you have in your life and around you.  Things that make you happy and things you truly are grateful for.  This type of journal is beneficial for depression and anxiety because it removes the dark glasses and lets you focus on the light around you in your life. This journal can be as structured or unstructured as you want.  Some people simply write one line a day to show that every day has something to be grateful for.

Diary type Journaling:

gratitude journalAnother type of journal is the diary type of journal where you simply write about your day and all the things that happened to you as well as your thoughts and feelings related to those things.  I find this type of journal is the hardest for me to keep because of my trust/safety issues.  Because of this, I try to include this type of journaling interspersed in my weekly output.

Creativity Journaling:

There is a creativity journal where you write poetry, songs, doodle, draw as ways to express your feelings.  This one is the closest to an art journal as you get.  I think that if I am going to do this, I might as well be art journaling; but you may not feel that way.  It’s okay because there are no rules.

List Journaling:

There is also a type of journal that is just lists.  This is a good way to stay on top of things, but I don’t find it as useful personally.  You, however, may absolutely love list making and choose to make this a way to journal.

I hope that you take away from this post that journaling is an individual process and can be as simple or as involved as you want it to be.  There is no right or wrong way to journal except to not do it at all.  Journaling frees your mind and soul, helps your body and makes you feel prepared for whatever life wants to throw at you.  I highly encourage you to take this up as a way to execute some form of self-care.  In today’s society, we all need to be able to do self-care to destress, control anger, and give us the break to breathe that we need.  Journaling will do all of that and more.


Journaling and your Mental Health Read More »

Self-Care for Everyone

It might seem like self-care is just a buzzword in recent years, but it is so much more than that. Self-care is a way to practice self-love and compassion for yourself. It is time
you set aside purposely to take better care of your emotional and physical needs. It can include health, nutrition, gentle movement, nurturing your emotional and mental health,
nurturing your body, pampering, and much more.

With regular self-care added to your routine, you are able to improve your mindset, your health, and your longevity.

The best thing about self-care is that it is for everyone. No matter what your lifestyle is like or what your preferences are for how you spend your time, there is a way to fit self-
care into your routine and actually enjoy it.

Here are some things to know about self-care and how you can find the right self-care practice for your lifestyle.

self care


1. Why Everyone Should Practice Self-Care

Self-care is such an important part of setting yourself up for success. There are many benefits to practicing on a regular basis, preferably daily but at least as often as possible.

Here are some of the top benefits to adding self-care to your routine.

It is a Way to Be Kind to Yourself

When you practice self-care, you are practicing self-compassion, which is something everyone could use more of. It is so easy to get caught up in your life, with ll the

schedules and kids’ play dates and homework and all your home responsibilities, that you aren’t spending enough time for yourself.

Not to mention actually being compassionate to yourself. If you find that you think negative thoughts about yourself, whether your personality traits, what you think are
flaws, or physical traits, you need to be kinder to yourself. Self-care is a great way to do that.

By practicing self-care, you are forced to think more about yourself and your own needs, and you will benefit greatly by understanding how important you are to yourself.

You Give Yourself Time to Rest and Relax

It is also a good way to schedule time for yourself, when you otherwise would not make yourself a priority. Spending more time on everyone but yourself is extremely common,
but is also a bad habit you want to break. You can’t possibly be your best, most authentic self for other people in your life if you don’t care to your own needs as well.

With a regular self-care practice, you schedule in time for your self-care activities, so you will naturally begin to relax more and have that rest time in each day or on a weekly

It Often Includes Activities You “Don’t Have Time For”

Self-care is not just activities you enjoy, but frequently includes those special ones that you rarely make time for. Maybe you do read from your book every day, but you don’t
often have time for more creative activities. Or you might find that you don’t get enough pampering in and can’t remember the last time you set aside extra time for a face mask
or to get your nails done.

This is why it is a great idea to make a list of any activity you have been wanting to do for yourself, but haven’t had the opportunity in a while.

Self-Care Can Boost Confidence

When you start practicing more self-care, you may notice a big boost in your self-esteem and confidence. This is a wonderful side benefit! It doesn’t always happen right
away, but the more you practice self-compassion and put aside this time for your own needs, the more you will begin to feel better about yourself.

It is not just those pampering self-care activities that boost your confidence, but self-care itself where you are spending more time on your own needs. It really does shift
your mindset drastically.

It Prevents You From Burnout and Overwhelm

If you have been struggling with burnout lately or feel overwhelmed, self-care is a great place to start. With this extra time you set for rest and relaxation, you have no choice
but to unwind and just rest for those few minutes every day. It might not seem like much, but it really can make all the difference when it comes to burnout.

2. How to Fit Self-Care Into Your Routine

The big question is often what self-care activities to include and how to actually fit them into your routine. Just like any new habit you incorporate into your life, it is a matter of
figuring out what your current routine is and where you might have space for a new activity. This isn’t going to happen overnight, so think of it as a process to adding a new
habit into your current lifestyle.

Here are some tips for fitting self-care into your routine.

Analyze Your Current Daily Routine

Before you can fit self-care into your daily routine, you need to have a better idea of what your current routine looks like. Take some time writing down the basic activities
and schedule you have on a consistent basis. Start with your work schedule, including when you get ready in the morning, what time you leave the house, your commute, what
time you have during your work day, and when you get home in the evening.

Do the same thing even if you work from home, but adjusting it slightly for when you tend to start and stop working for the day. You can then write down anything you do
every morning or every evening, from brushing your teeth and taking a shower, to putting the kids to bed or taking your dog for a walk.

The objective here is to understand your habits and routine, and at what time you do them. You are looking for times when you do activities that might not be completely
necessary, when you tend to waste more time, and when you might have a free window.

When Do You Tend to Procrastinate or Waste Time?

There is likely a time of day or certain task that tends to take a little more time and energy away from your regular routine. Maybe it is in the evening, when you sit in front
of Netflix for 2 hours before you go to sleep. Could this be the time of day when you schedule in 20 minutes for a little self-care?

Think about the schedule you just wrote out and when you might be able to fit in self-care because you were wasting time on something that didn’t need to be done, or taking
longer than you really needed to.

Morning and Nighttime Routines

Many people like to fit their self-care into either their morning or nighttime routine. These tend to be more flexible, because you aren’t at work or tending to your kids. Adding self-
care to your routine doesn’t have to require a lot of or energy. It could mean 5 or 10 minutes a day, even broken up into multiple segments.

Weekly and Monthly Self-Care

Another option is to do self-care less often, but still fit it into your schedule. This is for people who either don’t feel like they need it every day, or simply can’t find the time. If
this sounds like you, start with self-care just once a week or even once a month or so. This still allows you to focus on yourself and your own needs, but without a big time
commitment in the beginning.

3. Self-Care Ideas for Every Type of Person

Now for the fun stuff – finding the right self-care activities for you! Included below are 8 different types of people and lifestyles, so you can get an idea of what types of self-care
might be best for you.

But keep in mind you don’t have to stick to these specifically. They are simply a way to give you an idea of what self-care might look like in your lifestyle, but there are an
endless amount of possibilities when it comes to self-care.

Self Care for Homebodies

If you are a homebody, you might be someone who either prefers to be alone most of the time, or you just need to recharge more often when in your home. There is nothing
wrong with that! For you, the more traditional self-care activities are going to be great for you.

Self Care

Say no to social events – Yes, just turning something down without needing a reason can be a form of self-care! Especially when you are a homebody or introverted person,
this just gives you a relief of responsibility and more time to do something at home that is only for you.

Pampering activities – Since you spend more time at home, it makes sense that your self-care would include those indulgent, pampering activities. This might be taking a long bubble bath once a week, doing a face mask, painting your nails, or sitting in front of the fireplace on a cold evening and enjoying the quiet time.

Watch or read something – Self-care for you may also be to watch or read something new. It takes you away from work and other responsibilities and allows you to just relax
in your favorite way.

Self Care for Social People

On the other hand, you might be the complete opposite, and actually get more energy when you are around other people. If you tend to be more of an extroverted, social type
of person, then the opposite self-care activities will be best for you.

Spend time with friends – The first way you can practice self-care is by setting up a time to be with friends. Maybe this will be a new weekly hangout, or you call up
someone you haven’t seen in a while.

Go on a weekend trip – Another option is to get out of the house and see the sights. You can go on a quick weekend trip either with your family or friends, see a new place
in your area you haven’t been to in a while, or just take the opportunity for a quick

l hike to go on. Look for a new trail and explore it alone or with some
friends. Make a day vacation.

Plan a creative activity with family or friends – If you don’t want to go anywhere, but still be social, you can instead find a creativity to participate in with friends or at home
with your loved ones. This might be a new craft or taking a painting class.

Artistic and Creative Types need Self Care, too

Naturally, if you are an artistic person or you like creative activities, your self-care activities will follow suit. But this is also a great time to explore new things. Here are
some ideas:

Try a new hobby – If you already do something artistic every day, it might not feel like a new self-care activity. Instead, find a new hobby or think about something you wanted
to try doing, but never really had time for.

Do something you haven’t done in a while – Think about creative activities you enjoyed in your youth that you haven’t explored in a while. Was there a phase in high
school or college where you really liked watercolor? Now is a great time to pick up the paintbrush again.

Bring your art outside – A great option for self-care is to combine a creative activity you enjoy with nature. Both of these together offer amazing benefits to your mind and

Working Parents

For busy parents, your self-care activities might look a little more like getting a break or just finding a way to recharge. While other activities are actually with your kids.

Extra time in the shower – This might seem like such a small thing, but as a busy parent, you probably don’t get much time to yourself. You are so used to rushing with everything you do not related to your kids, that you are really neglecting your own needs. Something as simple as giving yourself 5 extra minutes in the shower can make a huge difference in how you feel.

Self-care with kids – It’s not always possible to have self-care time alone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do something fun with the kids and still make it part of your self-care routine. Maybe you love being outdoors, so you bring your kids to the local park or the lake. Or you decide to have a fun family game night at home.

Coffee with friends – If it’s possible to have someone watch the kids for an hour a week, try to schedule time out of the house with friends or just by yourself.

People Who Love the Outdoors also need Self Care

If you are someone who loves to be outside and be a little more adventurous, these self-care activities are for you:

Take a walk in the park – The great thing about this is that it is free to do and doesn’t require much. Just put on some comfy clothes, walk or drive to your nearest park, and
enjoy a nice little stroll. Just a few minutes in nature can make you feel refreshed.

Find a new hiking trail – For a bit more fitness in your self-care routine, you might want to find a local trail nearby so you don’t feel rushed.

Go for a scenic drive – You can also just jump in your car and go for a drive. Don’t have a destination in mind, and instead just drive the scenic routes where you live.

Workaholics definitely need Self Care

Being a workaholic is not really something to brag about, since it can be really hard on both your physical and mental health. But if you use this just to describe having to work
a lot of hours, the following self-care activities will definitely benefit you:

Take mini breaks during the day – With a busy schedule, it might not be possible for long breaks, but you can take little 5-minute breaks a few times during the day. Make

self care

sure you put your phone away and don’t look at your computer during this time!

Get out of the office – Whether you are taking a break or choosing to work somewhere else, get out of your office for your self-care activities. It is really important to physically step away from your work.

Avoid working during your lunch break – The best thing you can do for yourself might be to simply not work during your breaks. If you eat lunch in your office,
sit away from your computer, or try to find somewhere else to eat so you aren’t as tempted.

Take a power nap in the afternoon – Give yourself a few minutes every afternoon to shut your eyes and take a quick nap to recharge.

People Who Get Bored Easily should try these out

If you are someone who tends to get bored very easily and can never really stay entertained when you have free time, here are some ways to incorporate fun activities
into your self-care.

Take your creative activities outside – You might already be good at scheduling time for art and other creative endeavors, but you may be bored of your surroundings. Now
is a great time to had outside! You can get new inspiration and explore the differences in creating outdoors. Plein art painting is done outside and is a wonderful change.

Read a new style of book – If you are an avid reader, try switching up from your usual genre. If you typically read self-help and non-fiction books, grab a new fiction thriller or
series and see how you like it.

Learn something new – You can also expand your mind and knowledge by learning something new.

Self Care

People with Stress should remember Self Care activities for stress

Everyone has stress at least some of the time, but if you tend to get chronic stress, you need a little more pampering, self-love, and calming. These activities will do wonders for your high stress levels.

Meditation and mindfulness – Adda daily practice of meditation or mindfulness, or combine them together. This gets you into a calmer headspace and allows you to reduce stress by acknowledging the present moment without being overly critical of it.

Yoga or tai chi – For a little physical activity, try adding yoga or tai chi to your daily routine. This can calm your mind and reduce both stress and anxiety.

Write in a journal –For you might look like spending 5 or 10 minutes every morning writing in a journal. You can explore your own thoughts, come up with new ideas, and spend this time learning more about yourself.


And if this isn’t enough, here is a link to an article that goes more in-depth on this subject.


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