January 2024

Making Clay Jewelry with Different Types of Clay

Welcome to the world of clay jewelry making! Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a curious beginner, the versatility of clay offers endless possibilities to unleash your creativity. In this post, we’ll explore various types of clay and guide you through the process of crafting your own exquisite jewelry pieces. Although we have talked before about making jewelry at home here, this post goes into more detail about using clay as the medium.

Types of Clay for Jewelry Making:

Polymer Clay

  1. Polymer Clay: Known for its durability and ease of use, polymer clay is a popular choice for jewelry makers. It comes in a silver clayvariety of colors and can be easily molded and baked in a home oven. Brands like Sculpey and Fimo are great options.
  2. Air-Dry Clay: If you prefer not to use an oven, air-dry clay is a fantastic alternative. It’s lightweight and perfect for making larger statement pieces. However, it’s less durable than polymer clay and more suitable for occasional wear.
  3. Metal Clay: A unique form of clay that contains metal particles, metal clay can be shaped like traditional clay. After firing, it turns into pure metal jewelry, perfect for creating fine and intricate designs.
  4. Epoxy Clay: This is a self-hardening clay known for its adhesive properties and strength. It’s ideal for creating mixed-media jewelry and embedding objects.epoxy clay

Basic Tools and Materials:

  • Clay (your choice)
  • Rolling pin or pasta machine
  • Shape cutters or knivesbasic tools
  • Oven (for polymer and metal clays)
  • Kiln (for metal clay, if preferred)
  • Sandpaper
  • Jewelry findings (earring hooks, necklace chains, jump rings)
  • Glaze or varnish (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Designing Your Piece: Start by sketching your design. Consider the size, shape, and how it will be worn.
  2. Conditioning the Clay: For polymer and epoxy clays, knead the clay until it’s soft and pliable. This makes it easier to work with.
  3. Shaping: Roll out your clay to an even thickness. Use cutters or a knife to cut out your design. For beads, roll the clay into balls or other shapes.
  4. Adding Texture and Details: Use stamps, textures, or tools to add details to your clay pieces. This is where you can get really creative!
  5. Curing the Clay: For polymer and metal clays, bake according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Air-dry clay will harden at room temperature.
  6. Sanding and Finishing: Once your pieces are cured and cooled, sand any rough edges. You can apply a glaze or varnish for a glossy finish.
  7. Assembling the Jewelry: Attach your clay pieces to jewelry findings using strong adhesive or jump rings.
  8. Final Touches: Add any additional elements, like beads or stones, to complete your piece.assembly

Making your own clay jewelry is not just a craft; it’s an expression of your unique style and creativity. Each type of clay offers a different experience and finish, allowing you to experiment and find your favorite medium. Share your creations with us in the comments below, or tag us on social media. Happy crafting!

Extra reading for your information:

Making Clay Jewelry with Different Types of Clay Read More »

Art Dolls: The Enchantment

Art dolls, a unique blend of imagination, craftsmanship, and storytelling, stand out from traditional dolls in their uniqueness and artistic value. These handcrafted pieces, often resembling humans or mythical beings, are more than just playthings. Each art doll is a one-of-a-kind creation, infused with a distinctive character and story by skilled artists from various backgrounds like sculpture, painting, and fashion. In our last post, we talked about making an articulated paper doll, and you can read that here if you missed it.  Today, I thought art dolls in general would be fun to learn about, so here we are!

mythical doll
By Wood Splitter Lee Cross Originals
art doll
Doll by Du Buh Du Design

The history of art dolls dates back several centuries, with roots in religious and cultural rituals. This art form has evolved over time, with the contemporary art doll movement gaining recognition as a significant form of contemporary art. The materials used in creating these dolls vary widely, including clay, fabric, paper, porcelain, and wood, often embellished with beads, metals, and natural fibers. This diversity in materials contributes to the unique appeal of each doll.

Famous Art Doll Artists:

Enchanted Doll
by Marina Bychkova

Renowned artists in this field include Marina Bychkova, known for her porcelain dolls; Elsa Mora, with her intricate paper dolls; Julie Arkell, who combines papier-mâché and knitting; Dawn Schiller’s ‘Oddfae’ dolls inspired by folklore; and Ankie Daanen’s dolls, reflecting historical fashion.


Fantasy and Sci-fi at their best_
By Dawn Schiller

Collecting art dolls can be both a hobby and an investment. Enthusiasts often start by exploring various artists and styles, gradually building a collection that reflects their taste and budget. Art dolls are not only cherished as collectibles but can also be a wise investment, especially when created by renowned artists or featuring unique characteristics.

The creation of art dolls is both a challenging and rewarding process, offering artists a platform to express their creativity and storytelling. This art form continues to evolve, with new trends and techniques emerging, promising an exciting future for both artists and collectors alike.

Art Doll
By Cindee Moyer



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Articulated Paper Dolls: A Step-by-Step Guide

Today, we’re diving into the whimsical world of articulated paper dolls. These charming creations are not just a throwback to simpler times; they’re a fantastic way to spark imagination, exercise your artistic skills, and create something truly unique. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a curious beginner,finished doll making articulated paper dolls is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Occassionally, we may experience a blockage in making our art, and when that happens, this little craft is the perfect answer.  Make a few of these, and your block will be gone. Let’s explore why this craft is so captivating and how you can create your very own paper doll.

Why Articulated Paper Dolls?

Articulated paper dolls stand out in the digital age as a hands-on, tactile form of art. They encourage us to step away from screens and engage in the physical act of creating. The process of designing, cutting, and assembling these dolls is not only therapeutic but also a fantastic way to enhance fine motor skills and attention to detail. Moreover, they offer endless possibilities

for customization, making each doll a unique piece of art that reflects your personal style and creativity.

Materials Needed:


  • Cardstock or thick paper
  • Pencil and eraser
  • Fine-tip markers or paints
  • Scissors
  • Mini brads or split pins
  • A single-hole punch (optional)
  • Your imagination!

Step-by-Step Guide:


Design Your Doll:

pattern for doll

Start by sketching your doll on cardstock. You can create a human figure, an animal, or any character that sparks your interest. Remember to draw separate parts for the head, torso, arms, and legs. Keep in mind that these parts will need to move, so consider how they’ll connect. If that is not what you want to do, there are many templates for dolls available online.  You could start out using one of these and then get creative and make your own with the next one.

Add Details and Colors:

adding colorOnce your basic outline is ready, it’s time to bring your character to life. Use fine-tip markers, colored pencils, or even paint to add details like facial features, clothing, and accessories. This is where your creativity really shines—the sky’s the limit! Break out all your craft and art supplies and go wild!

Cut Out the Parts:

With a steady hand, carefully cut out the doll’s parts. Precision is key, so take your time. If you’re working with younger artists, adult supervision iscutting out the doll recommended for this step.

Create Joints:

Use a single-hole punch or carefully poke holes at the joints (shoulders, hips, knees, etc.). Make sure the holes are not too close to the edges to prevent tearing.

Assemble with Brads:


Align the limbs with the corresponding parts of the torso, and insert mini brads or split pins through the holes. Secure them at the back, but ensure they’re loose enough to allow movement.



Final Touches:

Once assembled, give your doll a final check. You might want to add more details or even create a background or props for your new creation.examples

Creating an articulated paper doll is more than just a crafting activity; it’s a journey into the realms of imagination and creativity. Each doll tells a story, reflects a mood, or captures a moment, making them not just toys but pieces of art. This activity is perfect for artists of all ages and skill levels, offering a delightful break from the digital world and a chance to engage in something tangibly creative.playing with dolls


So, grab your materials and let your creativity flow. We can’t wait to see the incredible characters you’ll bring to life. Share your creations with us and inspire others in our art community. Remember, in the world of articulated paper dolls, every cut, color, and joint is a reflection of your unique artistic journey. Happy crafting! 🎨🖌️📏

Articulated Paper Dolls: A Step-by-Step Guide Read More »

Egyptian Papyrus Painting: A Journey Through an Ancient Art Form of Timeless Beauty

Today, we continue our trek around the world looking at art forms we may not be familiar with.  We have talked about Mexican Folk Art, Street Art, Chinese Kites, Japanese Origami, Sand drawings of Vanuatu, and Kintsugi so far.  Now we go way back centuries to look at and learn about an ancient art form that is very much alive today. The art of the Egyptian Paypyrus Painting is both interesting and a piece of living history. Let’s see this art form and learn what we can about it.  We may decide to incorporate some part of it into our own artistic endeavors.

In the world of art, where diverse cultures and histories blend to create a tapestry of human expression, Egyptian Papyrus Painting stands out as a testament to the ingenuity and artistic prowess of ancient civilizations. Egyptian Papyrus Painting is an art form that has captivated the hearts of art enthusiasts and historians alike.

The Origins of Papyrus Painting:ancient papyrus painting

Papyrus, the canvas of the ancient Egyptians, was more than just a writing material; it was the backdrop for some of the most intricate and symbolic art pieces in history. Originating along the Nile River’s fertile banks, papyrus was not only used for documenting important texts but also for artistic expression. The art of papyrus painting began in the early dynastic periods, flourishing during the time of the Pharaohs.

The Process:

Creating a papyrus painting is a meticulous process. It begins with the harvesting of the papyrus plant. Then followed by a series of steps, including cutting, soaking, and pressing the stalks to create a smooth, flat surface. Once prepared, the papyrus becomes the perfect medium for artists to depict scenes of ancient Egyptian life, mythology, and gods.

making papyrus

Symbolism and Themes:

The themes in Egyptian papyrus paintings are deeply rooted in the culture’s religious beliefs and daily life. Common motifs include the gods of ancient Egypt, like Isis and Osiris; scenes from the Book of the Dead; depictions of daily life; and the famous journey of the sun god, Ra, across the sky. Each color and symbol in these paintings carries specific meanings, reflecting a rich tapestry of spiritual beliefs and practices.

Technique and Style:Papyrus Art

The artistic style of papyrus painting is characterized by its linearity and flatness, with a lack of perspective that is typical of ancient Egyptian art. Artists used mineral-based pigments to create vibrant colors that have withstood the test of time. The precision and detail in these paintings showcase the high level of skill and artistry of the ancient Egyptian painters.

Papyrus Painting Today:

Today, Egyptian papyrus painting is not only a window into the past but also a living art form. Contemporary artists continue to use traditional techniques to create both authentic reproductions and modern interpretations. These artworks serve as a bridge connecting the ancient and modern worlds, allowing us to experience a piece of history in our own homes.


Papyrus Art

Egyptian Papyrus Painting is more than just an art form; it’s a historical narrative painted on an ancient canvas. It offers us a glimpse into a civilization that has long fascinated the world with its mysteries and wonders. As we explore these captivating artworks, we are reminded of the enduring power of human creativity and expression.



If this topic resonates with you and you would like more information, here are some recent articles and videos about Egyptian Papyrus Painting:


Egyptian Papyrus Painting: A Journey Through an Ancient Art Form of Timeless Beauty Read More »

Cardboard Really is Versatile for Crafting

It seems that every time I turn around, I am getting something in a cardboard box. This could create a huge pile of mess; however, I have recently discovered the joy of crafting with cardboard. Now I see that stack of flattened boxes as a medium for crafts and art. I love that I can keep most of these boxes out of the landfill and turn them into reused articles so they get a new life. That, to me, is very satisfying. So, if you are like me, here is an entire post about the wonders of using these boxes for making things you can use.

It isn’t just for packaging; it’s a versatile, accessible, and often free material that can spark creativity in art and crafts. From DIY projects to intricate sculptures, cardboard offers endless possibilities for those willing to explore its potential.

Did you know that you can even make sturdy end tables out of cardboard? Watch this to see how: https://youtu.be/GoXanGfXsgc?si=Ia4LIJX1nzqUVlJv

Cardboard Cacti

One of the simplest yet most creative uses of this medium is in making decorative items like DIY cardboard cacti. These charming creations are not only easy to make, but they also add a unique touch to any space. Imagine transforming everyday packaging from cereal boxes or Amazon packages into adorable cacti that never need watering!

For those who enjoy weaving, cardboard offers a fantastic base for circle weaving projects. This activity is not only fun for adults but also a great way for kids to develop their fine motor skills. The result? Beautiful wall hangings that add a personal touch to your home decor.


Book lovers can appreciate the practicality of the medium in making DIY triangle bookends. This project is not only functional but also adds a stylish element to your bookshelves. And the best part? It’s an eco-friendly way to repurpose cardboard that might otherwise end up in the recycling bin.

If you’re into decoupage, cardboard trays can be transformed into beautiful pieces of art. By applying decorative napkins using the decoupage technique, you can create stunning trays that are perfect for gifting or adding a touch of elegance to your home.

For those with a knack for organization, this medium can be used to create cute storage boxes. This is particularly useful for repurposing diaper boxes or other large cardboard containers. Not only do you get organized, but you also get to do it in style!

African masks


How about making beautiful African masks to adorn your walls? You can easily do this with cardboard. Pinterest has many examples for you to look at if you decide to make these.

One of the most surprising uses of the medium is in creating faux metal letters for home decor. With the right painting techniques, it can be made to look like metal, offering a chic and inexpensive way to decorate your space.make paper

For those who enjoy paper crafts, making beautiful paper from waste cardboard is a fulfilling project. This process involves creating a pulp from shredded cardboard and then forming it into sheets of paper. It’s a fantastic way to recycle and create something both beautiful and useful.

And for the sculptors out there, cardboard can serve as an excellent base for paper-mache clay sculptures. This method involves creating a clay-like substance that can be molded over a cardboard armature. Once dry, these sculptures are strong and can be painted or decorated as desired.

We touched on using cardboard before, and in case you missed that, you can find that post here.

In conclusion, cardboard is much more than just a packaging material. It’s a canvas for creativity, a foundation for functional art, and a medium for sustainable crafting. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced crafter, there’s a cardboard project that’s perfect for you. So next time you’re about to throw away that cardboard box, think again—it could be your next great art project!

Cardboard Really is Versatile for Crafting Read More »

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