My last blog post was about finding an artist who uses regular cardboard to make art, specifically she makes gorgeous pigeons. The artist I am talking about is Cheryl Cochran and I was very inspired by her work, so I decided to see if I could copy some of it to learn how to do it. This is how they turned out:
How it make these pigeons:
I used regular boxing cardboard and it was difficult to cut out, but doable, and Ithink they turned out really great. This was a process and I learned a lot about doing this particular art. They are currently up on my wall by where I am typing right now.
Here is my process:
After finding the piece of cardboard, I drew a pigeon shape on it and cut it out with my knife carefully. Once all the pieces were cut out, I painted them by looking at photos. I used gouache to paint these birds because I like the matte finish it gives and the ease of use. It took no time to dry, which also made this a simply process. I glued the pieces together using Art Glue because it holds well and dries really quickly. I think this went well and I decided to make more birds the next day!
Here are the other birds I have made so far:
These where made with thinner cardboard from the backs of pads of paper and the back of an old desk calendar. They were all made the same way, except instead of painting the chickens, I used colorful paper to cover the bodies. Then I painted the other parts. And I am telling you, I love this. I plan to keep making these forever. They all now reside up on my wall so I can look at them all day. They make me happy.
Why I made pigeons:

In my previous post, I said I was drawn to the pigeons because of my experiences in Germany. Here are some photos that show you what I am talking about: Pigeons were everywhere. Anytime we went somewhere outside, pigeons surrounded us. After a while, you could see that they have a social system and that each bird has a personality. I sat in the center of town at a bench for hours watching these silly birds.
So, this is my post about making art using cardboard, specifically making pigeons from cardboard. I hope you are inspired to try this out because it is really fun. And this is something you can do with children.