Junk Journals: What exactly are they?

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This post, I want to explore a different type of art. I want us to look at junk journals and see what they are, how to make them, what to do with them, and why you should have one. We cover all sorts of other types of art information on this blog and you can reference a few here and here and here.  Now let’s see what all the fuss is about these junk journals. Have you ever even heard of them before?

completed junk journals

If you’re a creative  soul like me, they might just become your new obsession. A junk journal is a handmade book created from a mix of found and recycled materials. Think old book pages, magazine clippings, fabric scraps, postcards, and even packaging – basically, anything you might typically toss out or overlook. These journals are a playground for your imagination, a place where the only rule is there are no rules. Sounds intriguing, right?

So, why do people use junk journals? Well, the beauty of a junk journal lies in its freedom and flexibility. There’s no pressure to make things perfect. It’s about embracing the imperfection, the randomness, and the uniqueness of each piece. For many, junk journaling is a form of therapy. It’s a way to unwind, to disconnect from the digital noise, and to reconnect with the tactile joy of creating something with your hands. Each page tells a story, each layer adds depth, and every addition is a little piece of your world captured on paper.each page tells a story

Let’s talk benefits because there are plenty! For one, junk journaling is a fantastic way to recycle and repurpose materials. Instead of buying expensive art supplies, you can use what you already have. It’s eco-friendly and budget-friendly – a win-win in my book. Plus, there’s something incredibly satisfying about turning what some might see as trash into a treasure.

If you need to see more about how-to or why-to, here are a few links to more information about junk journals: https://artjournalist.com/what-is-a-junk-journal/ and https://compassandink.com/how-to-start-junk-journaling/ and https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/what-is-junk-journal-37360775.

But beyond the practical benefits, junk journaling is a wellspring of creativity. It encourages you to see the beauty in the mundane and the potential in the discarded. When you’re not confined to traditional art supplies, your creativity can truly run wild. You might start to see a cereal box as the perfect cover for your next journal or a piece of junk mail as the perfect background for a page. It’s all about perspective and possibilities.

no rules junk journal

For artists, junk journals can be a game-changer. They provide a low-pressure environment to experiment with new techniques, to play with color and texture, and to develop your style. There’s no fear of “ruining” a precious sketchbook because, in a junk journal, there’s no such thing as ruining. Every mark, every collage, every bit of ephemera adds character and richness to your creation.

Feeling inspired yet? Good! Because starting a junk journal is as easy as it is fun. Gather some materials – anything goes! Find an old book to use as your base, or create your own pages from scratch. Let go of any preconceived notions about what a journal “should” look like. Remember, this is your space to play, to explore, and to express yourself.

try junk journal

Begin by gluing, taping, or sewing pieces onto the pages.  Layer materials, add notes or doodles, paint over  sections, or leave them as they are. Let each page evolve organically. Don’t overthink it – the magic happens in the spontaneous moments.

So why not give it a try? Whether you’re an experienced artist or someone who’s never picked up a paintbrush, junk journaling offers a refreshing, liberating experience. It’s a chance to slow down, to appreciate the little things, and to let your creativity flow without boundaries. Plus, it’s just plain fun!

In a world that’s increasingly digital and fast-paced, junk journals are a delightful reminder of the joy of handmade, the beauty of imperfection, and the endless  possibilities that lie in the simplest of materials. So grab those scraps, start gluing, and watch your creativity take flight. Happy junk journaling!junk journal


3 thoughts on “Junk Journals: What exactly are they?”

  1. Pingback: Junk Journaling: Finding ephemera to use : The Artistic Divas World

  2. Pingback: Junk Journal: the Cover and the Book Itself : The Artistic Divas World

  3. Pingback: My Junk Journal is done. Now What? : The Artistic Divas World

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