There is something about this time of year that makes me want to do fun crafts–maybe it’s the time change, or the change in the weather, or just the holidays all lined up at the end of the year. Whatever it is, I have been in the crafting mood lately and I wondered if you also might be feeling the urge to craft?
If so, then you are going to love this post. I have a round-up of cool crafts for you to try. So let’s jump in:
- If you have toddlers at home, here are a few crafts you can do with them and they can ACTUALLY do these crafts quite easily. I know when mine were little it was a challenge to find fun crafting activities geared to their little hands and coordination. So, try some of the crafts found here:— I really like the photo tree here.
- If you don’t have toddlers, but still have young children at home, here are a list of fun crafts that you can turn into fun family activities:— since this blogger is a mom to 4 boys, I think she may know what she is talking about. I especially loved the String Christmas Trees; I thought they were really pretty and would look lovely as part of your Christmas décor. - If crafting with children isn’t your thing, here are several crafts for adults to enjoy: . In this group of crafts, I really loved the framed wreath ornament.
- Last year, I discovered how to make Christmas star yard decorations using plastic hangers and this one was a really good tutorial for me: . Try it out and let me know how yours turned out. Mine was really beautiful and I hung it on the door.
- Here is a Pinterest board that shows you that you can configure
these hangers in many ways to get different looks: . I may try my hand at another one this year and I’ll pick a different look this time.
- This is video that shows you how to use these hangers to make an angel: . I may try this at another time because it looks really big to me and I am not sure where I could put it up, but if that isn’t an issue for you, you may want to try it.
And finally, here is another video that shows you how to make another type of angel using Deco Mesh: . I think they are precious and will definitely be trying my hand at these!
So if you try any of these, please send me a picture of how they turned out and I will post a follow-up here with all of your results. Don’t forget to leave me a comment below and visit my FB page to see more art and crafting posts. If you go there, please like my page and leave me a comment to say “Hi!”. Thank you for being here and enjoy the crafting time!
Pingback: Easy and Fun Christmas Crafts using recycled materials : The Artistic Divas World